Knox: Remind me never to get divorced.
Terry: Remind me never to get married.

IT guy made me like a hooker in Sunday school.


Bless your heart. That's what we say when we don't like something.


Lee Anne was the hottest piece of ass in the department and she knew it.


You're a woman and you all think you've got the market cornered on parenthood.


Van: One little job, I could start all over again.
Terry: Yup, just kill someone's mother and you're on your way.

I prefer not to work with egghead freaks but sometimes we've got to compromise.


Preston: I'm not in it.
Roy: You may want to rethink that answer.

Those IT guys, they know where all the bodies are buried.


Terry: My favorite Yankee lawyer.
Jamie: My least favorite police officer.
Terry: Change your mind if you just give me 20 minutes.
Jamie: I heard it was about 5 minutes.

I could barely get through the day after my divorce.


Reckless Season 1 Quotes

Terry: My favorite Yankee lawyer.
Jamie: My least favorite police officer.
Terry: Change your mind if you just give me 20 minutes.
Jamie: I heard it was about 5 minutes.

I could barely get through the day after my divorce.
