Maurice: It was nice meeting you to Nikki.
Nikki: It was nice. But Reginald is a big boy that can make his own decisions, and if you ever try and take him away from me again, it won't be such a pleasant chat next time.

Maurice: He's still too human! Don't you remember how that felt?
Nikki: Thirsty and horny.

Claire: What did you do? You ruined everything!
Reginald: It doesn't matter.
Claire: Nikki was gonna help me! She was gonna turn me into a vampire so I can fight evil-
Reginald: Claire, stop! Look at me! Is this the life you want? How does getting turned look to you now? Because trust me -- it's not all it's worked up to be. It's blood and hunger, and you have no fucking idea what it feels like. And right now, the last thing that I need is a disappointed fangirl who didn't get fangs for Christmas.
Claire: Asshole.

Claire: Can I ask you a personal question?
Nikki: Ask away, little human.
Claire: You're a vampire, don't try to deny it.
Nikki: Statement, not a question.

Nikki: You're not afraid of me.
Claire: No.
Nikki: You should be.
Claire: I don't scare easy.

Reginald the Vampire Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Maurice: He's still too human! Don't you remember how that felt?
Nikki: Thirsty and horny.

Maurice: It was nice meeting you to Nikki.
Nikki: It was nice. But Reginald is a big boy that can make his own decisions, and if you ever try and take him away from me again, it won't be such a pleasant chat next time.