Reginald With Sarah at the Park - Reginald the Vampire
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Nikki wakes up, alone, and sings about how much she loves Reginald.

She heads downstairs of the hotel to look for him, but she can't find him, and the hotel clerk is mean.

She heads to the slushie shack to look for him, but also doesn't find him there.

Claire approaches Nikki at the slushie shack, to talk about Reginald and also to ask Nikki to turn her into a vampire.

They agree to talk about it at a later time.

Nikki then visits Reginald's apartment, where Maurice is, but no Reggie.

Maurice tries to deter Nikki from her Reginald quest, which pisses her off.

Sarah wakes up in the hotel closet and goes to the room she rented to get her things. She starts to look for Reginald.

The clerk at the desk was once again rude and didn't help her find Reginald.

Sarah heads to the Slushie Shack to look for Reginald, but he isn't there.

She prays, because she is so confused about what happened.

She goes to Reggie's apartment, where she and Maurice talk about Reginald.

Flash to when Reginald left the hotel, and the clerk was again rude.

Reginald and Maurice chat about how Angela used Sarah because she is a weakness for Reginald.

Reginald and Sarah finally find each other, and they meet at the park.

They have intimate time with each other!

Nikki and Claire discuss turning someone so young, but Nikki senses something is off with Claire's mom.

Nikki realizes that Claire wants to be turned for the sake of helping her mom, and she promises to help her.

Nikki heads to Reignlad, and they have intimate time with each other.

Reginald is having relations with both women behind the other's back.

Sarah follows Nikki and finds Reginald with her.

They fight, and Reginald tries to glamor Sarah, which doesn't work. Maurice gave her the herb of the cross bracelet.

Nikki also storms out, leaving Reginald high and dry.

Claire arrives, but Nikki leaves her wanting to be turned, and now all three girls are mad at Reginald.

Reginald heads to the Slushie Shack and feeds off Todd, but accidentally (seemingly) kills him.

He heads to Maurice's and blames Maurice for everything.

Reginald gets on a bus and plans on fleeing town.

Reginald the Vampire
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Reginald the Vampire Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Maurice: He's still too human! Don't you remember how that felt?
Nikki: Thirsty and horny.

Maurice: It was nice meeting you to Nikki.
Nikki: It was nice. But Reginald is a big boy that can make his own decisions, and if you ever try and take him away from me again, it won't be such a pleasant chat next time.