Marlo had a hunch. Clearly she was right.


So how does this work? We wait for her to wake up and then we duel?


Literally, I was walking in the park with Chloe and I blinked.


Balloons, bottle of whiskey. It's hard to know what to get a guy who took a bullet for you.

Det. Jarvis

Oh yeah. She like bears. Cheap little bears made in China. She like that.


My amazing, beautiful, hilarious girlfriend who just got shot is married.


Now that I've told my brother, that juicy bit of news is going to spread like herpes.


I'm in the ambulance and I can't help but feel like if he dies then I will too.


Dov, it was never a choice. It was always you.


I love how not having a job makes him the superior parent.


LIfe is a drinking game, McNally and you have been phoning it in.


We don't have to like you. We don't have to be nice to you and we can make fun of you whenever we want because when it really comes down to it we will always have your back.


Rookie Blue Quotes

There is absolutely no training that prepares you for life on the street.

Staff Sgt. Boyko

First rookie out of their cuffs drinks for free. Everyone else pays.

Oliver Shaw