Luke: Are you cold?
McNally: No. I'm perfect.

McNally: My stomach is turning.
Epstein: That's called the thrill of the job.

Diaz: Denise wants me to propose.
Epstein: Propose what?

Andy: What kind of workaholic is this guy?
Nash: The douchebag kind.

You propose to Denise, you might miss out on your very own Sargeant sex.


Edible thing. You know, loves mommy. Wants to kill daddy. Edible.


I forgot to load my gun this morning.


Your loss. Last night included me, with ice cream, naked.

Andy [to Luke]

I don't mean to sound like your mother, but I think you need stitches.


Peck: What is a doula?
Epstein: A birth coach for hippies.
Peck: I thought a birth coach was a birth coach for hippies.

Some morning I don't even wanna get out of bed. Then again, I am kind of lazy.


First rookie out of their cuffs drinks for free. Everyone else pays.

Oliver Shaw

Rookie Blue Quotes

There is absolutely no training that prepares you for life on the street.

Staff Sgt. Boyko

First rookie out of their cuffs drinks for free. Everyone else pays.

Oliver Shaw