Olivia: Governor, I know this is a terrible time for you and I understand how you feel about me, but if we're going to work together, if I'm going to help you here, you follow my rules. It's up to you. You know what's at stake. You've seen what I can do.
Gov: You're the best. Don't I know it.

[to Quinn] You'd be surprised what powerful people can get away with behind closed doors.


Harrison: You want inside or outside.
Abby: Inside.
Harrison: Sure, makes sense, more privacy. Don't want you to sneak away and talk to your new boyfriend.
Abby: I don't have a--
Harrison: You're getting laid.
Abby: Harrison!
Harrison: It's a good thing.

Verna: The stuff we did, it never goes away, does it? Like one big, bloody hospital gown.
Olivia: I prefer to think that anything can be fixed.
Verna: Then you're a fool.

Mellie: He's your husband.
Cyrus: He's a journalist. Inside this building he's a journalist and you know it and you know how I know you know it? Because you're a terrifying political animal who would eat off her own foot if it meant you could get ahead. A trait I respect. But the President is at the G8 in Tokyo and what is the rule when the President is out of the country? All roads...
Mellie: All roads lead to Fitz.

I'll have my office call your office to schedule that dinner for the four of us in the residence. Sounds like fun.


Cyrus: I'm mad at my husband. And I need a drink at dinner.
Olivia: Dinner is popcorn. But lucky for you I just opened a Bordeaux that'll bring tears to your eyes.

Cyrus: James is working at the White House press corps to punish me.
Olivia: So separate your work life from your personal life.
Cyrus: Really? How's that working out for you?

Abby: Huck was a trained killer spy.
Harrison: I don't think 'was' enters into it. Once a killer spy, always a killer spy, right?

Huck: We are in my wheelhouse now...I'm supposed to be a ghost. If my name, and not my real name, but Huck, my name, the alias that goes with this life at Pope and Associates, if my name is on a list, it's time to disappear. So I can't stop.
Pope: Crosby sent the list to me, the check is in my name, too, so whatever this is, whatever I'm supposed to protect you against, that's in my wheelhouse, and we can fix this.

Abby: Spies listen to the radio?
Huck: Anything high-tech you can break into. With a radio, you can't trace where it comes from, you can't trace who's listening. The radio is how we talk to each other, how all spies talk to each other. All around the world. You listen every day and every day there's no message. Years go by and decades and there's no message and then one day you listen and the code word comes.
Abby: And then what happens?
Huck: It's time to come home.

Cyrus: There's a limit to our influence.
Hollis: Exceed it. I'm getting tired of reminding. You owe me.
Cyrus: Funny, I'd say you never seem to tire of it.