[to James] You made a choice. You did this. This is the man you are. And guess what? I love you anyway. Because that is the man I am.


[to James] You wanted to know who I am? This is who I am. Defiance is who I am. This is me. This is who you married. This is who you love.


Therapy requires telling the truth, Cy. And you don't tell the truth.


Listen, Zeke. 'Darling' has a law degree from Stanford and the Chief of Police on speed dial. I sat outside here for an hour and watched three ladies enter with three gentlemen, each of whom departed with a spring in his step and probably $200 bucks poorer. So I suggest you go ahead and let 'darling' take a look at the damn security cams.


It was just one of those rare moments. A crossroads where you know, you just know, if you don't act now, if you let this moment slip away, it will haunt you for the rest of your life.


David: Gladiators in helmets, right?
Harrison: Suits.

Fitz: But you do love him.
Cyrus: Of course.
Fitz: Don't give up on him. If you love him. Just don't give up.

Jake: You are never home.
Olivia: I'm working.
Jake: So am I.

You're not their father anymore. And you're not Fitz anymore. You know who you are? You know who you've become? You're Big Jerry. You're your father. Everybody in this White House, Cyrus and me included, tiptoe around trying to figure out how to get on your good side. But you don't have a good side. You've turned into your father. So, you should understand how your children feel considering how much you hated your dad. They didn't want to come and so I told them they didn't have to. Deal with it. Put another glass of scotch on top of it and just deal with it.


Jake: You still thinking about him?
Olivia: No.
Jake: Goodnight, Olivia.
Olivia: Goodnight, Jake.

You don't know me. I might be the worst guy in the world. Or I might be the best. Whoever I am, I like you. I like you a lot. I like how you say 'what' when you answer the phone. How you always seem to be wearing white. How wine seems to be a food group for you. I like that you know who you are and that you fix everyone around you. But you seem sad to me, Olivia. I like you, but you seem sad. And if you let me maybe I can help you not be so sad, because whatever happened to you, whoever happened to you, already happened. It's done. So maybe I can help yous tart fresh. Maybe I'm your do-over. You deserve a do-over. So close your eyes. Close. Your. Eyes.


Olivia: I have a lot of work to do and I'm tired and I just--
Jake: You are afraid. Of me. Of the unknown. Of what this is.