I think he knows. I think he knows what we did. I'm pretty sure...I haven't slept in ten months. I have our last conversation on a loop in my head. I think he knows what we did, Cyrus.


What do you think she wanted from me? That we faked the moon landing? That a Starbucks tall is really a small? She wanted Defiance, Liv.


Fitz: Cyrus, you're in my bathroom.
Cyrus: Yes, sir, Mr. President, and I'm as unhappy about that as you are.

Olivia: I'll wait for you, Fitz. For as long as you need.
Fitz: I changed my mind about that. Don't wait for me.

Olivia: I don't want normal, and easy, and simple. I want..
Edison: What? What do you want, Olivia?
Olivia: I want painful, difficult, devastating, life-changing, extraordinary love. Don't you want that, too?
Edison: Love is not supposed to be painful or devastating. Love isn't supposed to hurt, Liv.

Huck: If I kill Hollis Doyle for you, you can't come back here. You can't work for Pope and Associates anymore. You can't be a gladiator.
Quinn: Why not?
Huck: Because you want Hollis dead for revenge and we don't do revenge. We solve problems. So you can be Lindsey Dwyer and get revenge on Hollis or you can be Quinn Perkins and move on with your life. You can't have your new life and also keep your old life. It doesn't work that way. So which is it?

Quinn: Is that enough? $5,000. Is that enough to kill someone?
Huck: No. But I'll do it for free if you want.
Quinn: You will?
Huck: I will.

Abby: You love me.
David: I love you.

You know who you are. You know what this is. And don't pretend you don't. We do what needs to be done and we don't question why. We put the personal to the left. Doesn't matter who gets hurt. Doesn't matter what gets broke. It's not the thing that needs fixing, it does not matter. You want to cry about your feelings? Hmm? Really? Here? We don't get to have feelings. That's the job. Gladiators don't get to have feelings. We rush into battle. We're soldiers. We get hurt in the fight we suck it up and we hold the line and we don't question. And you know it, Abby.


[to James] I wasn't made to be the Chief of Staff. Do you know what I was made to be? I was made to be the President of the United States. I was made to lead the nation. I was made to ensure this country's place in the world for generations to come. I would've been great at that. I have the stones. I have backbone. I have the will. I would have been a great President. But guess what, I'm fairly short, and I'm not so pretty, and I really like having sex with men, so instead of being President of this land, that I love, I get to be the guy behind the President of the United States, and sure I have power. I influence decisions. I help steer the country. But I'll never be in the history books. My name will never be on an airport or a doctrine. Being the guy behind the guy is as far as my road goes.


Cyrus, if Fitz goes public with this divorce, I will go nuclear. I will walk out in front of the press and I will explain to them that my marriage is over because while I was pregnant with his child, my husband was having an affair with Olivia Pope. I will leave him, and I will take his children with me. I will take every penny he has in the bank and every dollar of political capital that he has in this town. I will court feminist groups and mothers groups and religious groups. I will bury him. And I will dance on his grave. And then? I will run for office.


Cyrus: Surprised to see you down here.
Mellie: Why?
Cyrus: You have a new baby.
Mellie: You have a new baby and you're at work.
Cyrus: Yes, but...
Mellie: But you're a man.
Cyrus: I was trying to think of a nice way to say 'yes, but I don't like babies.'
Mellie: Nobody likes babies.