Confession, I’m not much of a dancer. In theatre camp, I was more of a double threat.


At one point, a lot of musicals had narrators, you know, like, instead of a story.


We got song, we got dance
Lots of sex, no romance


Josh: It’ll be fun, it’s an adventure.
Melissa: Adventure? This is like that season of American Horror Story I gave up on.



I got my BA from BU, my LLD from NYU and and my L-E-G-S from G-O-D.

Bobbie Flanagan

So we're not cheating. We're just exploiting a loophole. Gee, thanks!


I know it is bonkers for Jorge to choose me over you. You could have anyone. Alfred Hitchcock would turn down a custard pie to torture you. Love is weird.


Melissa: You can't do this. I'm not the bad guy, here.
The Countess: You walked into my engagement and destroyed my future. That's called being the bad guy.
Melissa: Well, it's never explicitly stated, but I think you're a Nazi.
The Countess: Of course, I'm a Nazi.

Oh no, is this a dream ballet? No, no, we're not having a dream ballet. Okay? They're annoying and stupid. They slow everything down. Nobody likes a dream ballet. Nobody!


Mildred: What are you doing?
Melissa: I know what it's like to want to fix everyone around you and think that's the only way to be happy. But it's not. You have to learn to let go.

I got pregnant out of wedlock with a seaman and, yes, I heard it.


Schmigadoon! Quotes

What, so one kick and, apparently, MAGIC?


Josh: I usually give it a kick.
Melissa: Oh, really?
Josh: Yeah. Right there. I could do it for you if you'd like.
Melissa: Nah, I've been doing all my own kicking since third grade.