Have we ever discussed jazz music before?


You know me. Can you even calculate the level of discomfort it brings me to comment on your personal life?


Happy: She kissed life into you!
Walter: She was sharing oxygen.

Please have faith that I'm right.


Happy: It could work, or they could die.
Paige: I can hear you!

Is that smooching?


Happy: It doesn't matter how much fuel we have if Toby doesn't get me what I need.
Toby: I will always get you what you need, whether it be emotional, spiritual, or romantic.

It will be Chernobyl 2, the sequel. 9 out of 10 sequels are worse than the original.


Unfortunately, the merry go round can't get us out of this one.


This is how I die!


So just stay focused, stay on point, and don't freak out.


Besides, you know you have a job to do. You never let the team down. You are delaying the inevitable, and every extra second we stay here, we're getting more radiation.


Scorpion Season 2 Episode 23 Quotes

Walter: Why do we keep getting invoices from the United States Treasury?
Paige: Because we flooded Fort Knox.

Medically speaking? He's nuttier than peanut brittle.
