Emma: You're never supposed to go to a second location with a stranger.
Eli: I'm not a stranger, okay, I'm just strange.

Here I am. Alone, waiting for a girl, at a lake. That's never gone bad for anyone in a movie ever.


Noah: First shut up, second, it's just a study session.
Audrey: Okay study session or study date? [Noah pauses] Oh my god Foster, learn to read a moment or you will be a virgin forever.

Noah: I get that you're scared, but I understood. Emma will too, you just have to give her a chance.
Audrey: Emma's not you Noah.

You kissed me, dude. Focus. Can you help me or not?


It could be anyone this time, Emma.


Audrey? What? Why do you think that?


Could be arresting him, or could be a hero walk from The Avengers.


May I offer you a phone plan?


Just cuff me, Sheriff. My dad was a cop. I know how this works.


Noah: We all have our ways of coping.
Zoe: If you need to talk, go ahead.
Noah: Not if you’re uncomfortable.

Brooke thinks everyone's obsessed with her.


Scream Season 2 Quotes

Jake: What's taking so long out there?
Brooke: Shut up.

Audrey just broke the internet again.
