It's like the killer is combining these two legends into one brand new murder spree. I mean, call me crazy but I think we're in Freddy vs. Jason territory here.


Billie: Can I help you?
Jeremy: I hope so. We're looking for Billie, the estate's caretaker?
Billie: That'd be me. Not what you were expecting?
Noah: I was expecting crazy Ralph from Friday the 13th so nope, definitely not.

Brooke: I can't be responsible for Stavo moving across the country for me. I'm barely responsible for myself.
Audrey: You make it sound like he's a child you're gonna have to babysit.

I thought you said this was going to be a mansion. I know my mansions, this is really more of a bungalow.


Gustavo: Will you just let me in?
Noah: Don't let him in.
Gustavo: Dude, what?
Noah: We're trying to lure the killer and you show up. I'm sorry, this is a pretty classic "don't let him in" situation, right?

Brooke: They're at the theater. They want us to stay here.
Noah: And let them go through all this alone?
Brooke: Hell no.

  • Permalink: Hell no.
  • Added:

Sometimes the people closest to you are the ones who keep the biggest secrets.


Noah: I guess I didn't think of you as the hospital visit type.
Gustavo: Don't be mad, I didn't bring flowers.

We're not going anywhere!


You know the whole, horrible, embarrassing story.


Gustavo: Welcome home.
Brooke: Home, huh?
Gustavo: Yeah, I say we stay here forever.
Brooke: I say you're crazy.

Emma: Why did you hate me?
Audrey: You broke my heart! I loved you, okay, and you broke my heart. The worst part is, you didn't even know you were doing it.

Scream Season 2 Quotes

Jake: What's taking so long out there?
Brooke: Shut up.

Audrey just broke the internet again.
