Stanford: How can you not have a shrink? This is Manhattan. Even the shrinks have shrinks. I have three.
Carrie: No, you don't.
Stanford: Yes, one for when I want to be cuddled, one for when I want tough love and one for when I want to look at a beautiful man.
Carrie: That's sick!
Stanford: Which is why I see the other two.

Samantha: Hi, my name is Samantha and I am a love-aholic.
Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte: Hi, Samantha!

Carrie: Do you know what your problem is? You want it all, you want me the girl you screw, and the girl you go home to, her.
Big: That's bull shit, I just want you.

The wedding was complete. Charlotte had something old, something new, something borrowed and someone Samantha blew.


I have no fortune. I didn't need a cookie to tell me that.

</i> Carrie

We all get freaked out from time to time, but we keep trying because you have to figure, if the world fattest twins can find love there's hope for all of us. Somewhere, out there, there's another little freak who'll love us, understand us, will kiss our three heads and make it all better.


Practically all relationships I know are based on the foundation of lies and mutually accepted delusions. Take me and James for instance, I pretend he doesn't have a small dick and he pretends to notice that we haven't had sex in three weeks.


(They are all standing in front of the locker room doors of Yankee stadium waiting for the "New Yankee")
Samantha: (as a ball player walks in front of them) Did you see that bulge?
Miranda: Ummm....he was wearing a cup.
Samantha: Well honey, his cup runneth over.

If Big had any class he would've moved away, I was here first.


Hang on honey, you don't fall in love with Mr. Pussy. You enjoy him and then set him free.


Charlotte: If I end up old and alone its all your fault.
Samantha: Charlotte, sweetie, we're all alone even when we're with men.

Samantha is crying
Carrie: What's going on, why are you crying?
Samantha: James has a small dick.
Carrie: Well, it's not the end of the world.
Samantha: It's really small.
Miranda: How small?
Samantha: Too small.
Carrie: Well, size isn't everything....
Samantha: Three inches.....
Carrie: Well....
Samantha: Hard!
Charlotte: Is he a good kisser?
Samantha: Oh, who the fuck cares! His dick is like a gherkin!