Your Cole's got a PhD in half answers.


With the Captain's ego and your mouth, it's a pink slip waiting to happen.


Twenty-seven years I've worn a badge. Twenty-seven years I've banked on one certainty, that if I made a distress call the brotherhood would be there at my aid.


Harlee: Our sole responder is Tess?
Tufo: Kamikaze style.
Espada: Alone?
Tufo: And crazier than we thought.
Wozniak: Sometimes crazy is good.

Espada: Thirty-four thousand cops in the city and only two still like us?
Wozniak: It's a start.

It's the blue wall, once you cross it you're alone.


Tess: Jumping out a window. That seems like a fitting end to the end of my tenure with this crew.
Tufo: You're gonna ride off into the sunset, Tess.
Tess: Are you kidding me? I have lost my marriage, I have been shot, then operated on by Espada Nightingale. I have been lied to, demoted, aced out of a payday, and then, oh, I was called out on my first date in forever to torture a hit woman in a shower. Taking a concrete plunge seems like the only logical next step for me, Tufo.
Tufo: Let's work on our whole glass have full thing, yeah?

Agent Myers: Detective Santos, this isn't a good time.
Harlee: My apologies. When would be the most convenient time for my psychotic stalker to show up again?
Agent Myers: Ideally when someone else is around to see him.

If everyone who ever threw a rock at a cop could wear this badge for one day, they'd understand it's a war out there and the enemies dress the same as the civilians.


Harlee: Maybe I just should have put a bullet in Bennet's head.
Wozniak: Ah, now that's a constructive suggestion.

Wozniak: The entire department could turn against us. Don't tie my hands behind my back now, not now.
Harlee: Woz, this is when our choices matter the most. When what's wrong is easy.
Wozniak: This is not easy.
Harlee: And what's right is full of danger. That's when we decide who we are.

Even when you act alone Harlee, you never act alone.


Shades of Blue Quotes

Harlee: How much do you want to know?
Woz: How much do I need to know?

It happened so slowly I didn't realize and so quickly I never saw it coming.
