Wozniak: I thought you silenced him.
Loman: Not as permanently as Intelligence would have preferred.

You think I survived ten years by blabbing to IA?


I let her into my head, into my wiring, and once you do that you give up control. The part of you that knows better is screaming at you to walk away but the other part just can't let it go. It's like gravity, the pull is too strong. Some days I feel my sanity slowly slipping away, stolen from me. And yet every time I see her I feel the same rush, that same mixture of nausea and joy.


Ramsay: I appreciated Detective Loman's effort but as a rule, I'm not a fan of half measures.
Wozniak: Well, that's one thing that you and I have in common.

Ramsay: Remember what happened to God's son. Rough day. Tough on dad too. Father, why have you forsaken me?
Wozniak: You could probably have the Pope fired if you wanted to but if you threaten my son again the wall behind you is getting a new paint job.

Harlee: You think anyone could have predicted how far you or I would go?
Loman: It doesn't feel like you have any options when you're in it.
Harlee: It's not too late for you, Loman. You just have to reach back to that part of yourself that chose to wear the shield in the first place.

They're not untouchable, not forever. Every bully, from wife beaters to gangsters to dictators, they can seem invincible for a while until almost always they're not.


Do you know why I keep these bullet holes untouched? Because it reminds me of how close I came to losing you. I look at it every day and I make the same promise that I made when I first held you in my arms. To keep you safe. I failed at a few promises but that one I intend to keep.


Not all of us can carry around this madness like you can. Sometimes the truth just crawls out.


Kristina: Maybe I should trade in my cello for a 9mm.
Harlee: Slow down 007, we're just taking precautions.

I'm not your girlfriend, Kristina, okay. You're my daughter and one day when you're lucky enough to have a child you'll realize that part of being a mother is not burdening them with your problems.


[to Wozniak] You need to consider the surgery. It’s a high-risk procedure but it’s not as high risk as a sharp piece of metal playing footsie with your spinal cord.


Shades of Blue Quotes

Harlee: How much do you want to know?
Woz: How much do I need to know?

It happened so slowly I didn't realize and so quickly I never saw it coming.
