My name is Bob Lee Swagger. I did not kill the president!

Bob Lee

I know how he's gonna do it.

Bob Lee

Director: Stop. You're not any good at that.
Nadine: At what?
Director: Kissing ass.

Underestimate Bob Lee Swagger at your own peril. He's the real deal.


So that's the great Bob "The Nailer" huh? He don't seem like much.


Donnie was right. A bullet is forever. He died because I trusted my gut.

Bob Lee

Nadine: FB.I!
Agent: Homeland. We got here first. Could you point that thing somewhere else.

Isaac: I see you are still a bleeding heart Liberal.
Bob Lee: You never know when shit's gonna get weird.

Bob Lee: We don't need night vision, we're Marines.
Mary: Semper fi!
Bob Lee: Semper fi.

Hunter: That wolf is ours!
Bob Lee: She might have a different opinion

Shooter Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Bob Lee: We don't need night vision, we're Marines.
Mary: Semper fi!
Bob Lee: Semper fi.

Hunter: That wolf is ours!
Bob Lee: She might have a different opinion