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Bob Lee is a former Marine living out in the middle of nowhere with his wife and kid.

His former commandeer, Isaac, who currently works for the Secret Service recruits him to figure out and hopefully prevent a sniper from attempting to assassinate the president.

At first Bob Lee is opposed to doing it, until he realizes that the sniper is the same man responsible for shooting him and killing his friend when he was overseas. 

He investigates and is able to figure out how Solatoff would make an attempt and reports back to Isaac. 

He thinks it's all clear until he realizes that the sniper had something else planned. At the event in which the president is welcoming another foreign president, Bob Lee takes off to find out where the sniper is really set up.

When he gets to the room he sees that there is a sniper rifle up and that it's set up directly across from where the president is. But he realizes it too late. The president has already been shot and he's seen standing  by the rifle.

The cop tries to take him out but he escapes and is held at gunpoint by FBI agent Nadine.

Agent Nadine works for the FBI and had been looking into a Russian informant for the government. Her investigation clashes withe the investigation of homeland security and other agencies. 

She's trying to make a name for herself but she's being called off of looking into something that seems suspicious. 

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Shooter Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Bob Lee: We don't need night vision, we're Marines.
Mary: Semper fi!
Bob Lee: Semper fi.

Hunter: That wolf is ours!
Bob Lee: She might have a different opinion