Abbie: So here we are, right where the mail carrier first saw Thomas. Right next to the 'Welcome to Roanoke' sign.
Ichabod: Yours isn't the first generation to invent sarcasm.

So did the boy go to Oxford or are you suggesting he's a member of King Author's Court?

Capt. Irving

You and I have very different definitions of old. It seems if a building stays upright for more than a decade, you people declare it a national landmark. This cabin has all the modern means I need. It's certainly preferable to that motel.


Are we to understand this book is a key, capable of unleashing these demons into our world?


Abbie: You invented The Boston Tea Party so that you could steal something from the British?
Ichabod: At the time it was referred to as The Destruction of the Tea. You've coined a far more festive name.

How fortuitous. An officer of the law with a criminal past. Imagine the delinquency we could perpetrate if we really put our minds to it.


Remember I told you one time this town was going to go straight to hell? I hate being right.


Ichabod: It is I who should thank you, kind woman, for unlocking this vehicle from afar, and showing me how the entertainment system operates. Farewell, Yolanda.
Yolanda: Thank you for calling Northstar Assistance.

Abbie: Seven years of tribulation.
Ichabod: According to scripture.
Abbie: How long have we been doin' this so far?
Ichabod: Mmmm. I'm certain it will become easier once we become accustomed to... No. I'm too tired to lie.

It's my fault. You can come at me all you want. But I see you, and I am not afraid anymore!


You stopped having pow wows? I rather enjoyed those.


His honor Edmund Burke once said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." And we may all at time, stand idly when action is required.


Sleepy Hollow Season 1 Quotes

Abbie: Who is he? When's the last time you saw him?
Ichabod: When I cut off his head.

Police Detective: Do you admit to cutting off his head, yes or no?
Ichabod: Nooo. First I shot him, then he rose back up. Cutting off his head seemed the next logical step.