There's a monster at the end of the book.


You know... sometimes you got to take your fun where you can get it. And sometimes... it's right in front of your face. You just have to want to see it.


Alec: So, uh, why do you do t?
Clark: I do it because I want to help people... like you. Not because I have to but because I choose to.
Alec: What do I do now.
Clark: You... should go home and be a kid, and remember the next time you run into a bully that there is some goodness in there.
Alec: 'Cause everyone's worth saving.
Clark: And a hero's work is never done

Lois: I'm cashing in a rain check. You cannot renege on a rain check.
Clark: Lois, can I rain check on your rain check?
Lois: No. You have been cashing in on so many rain checks recently that I am soaking wet with disappointment.

I'm about as real as it gets.


I'm sort of in the business of helping superheroes.


Drop the mace, Conan.

Green Arrow

If it isn't My Favorite Martian.


It's been a long time since I made someone bleed.


I came here for a training session, Mia, not an audition for Kill Bill 3.


Clark: It's okay, Lois. He's just a truck.
Lois: Oh, Clark, come on. That's like saying Tommy Lee's just a drummer. Sometimes I worry there is no poetry in you.
Clark: You just have to look deeper.

Zod: Look, Clark must have mentioned me. I'm Zod.
Lois: Can't say that he has. And being a championship-wrestling fan, I'd definitely remember a name like that.

Smallville Season 9 Quotes

Clark: Isn't it time we moved beyond these mental trials?
Jor-El: Your determination is strong, Son, but just as your passion will be your greatest strength, so, too, will it be your greatest obstacle.

Chloe: Dr. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton: If you would be so kind as to lower the 9mm Jericho 941. I prefer "Emil."