I'm a boy scout. I like to be prepared.


Mike: Vest. Really?
Harvey: Says the guy with the bike helmet...
Mike: Safety first.

Mike: I think we need into hack into Harvard's system or something, put my records in.
Harvey: Can't I'm busy this weekend. I have to break into Fort Knox. I have to return some dubloons I stole.

The rules dictate that you must be precise as the law is a precise endeavor.


Venomous banter, how cute.

Louis Litt

That's one thing you definitely get, how to ruin it.

Harvey[to Mike]

Good lawyer, bad lawyer, baby. Worked like a charm. Come on, you know you want it.


Mike: What, I can't gloat?
Harvey: Gloating is fine, you just have to not suck at it.

First impressions last. Start behind the eight ball and you'll never get in front.


Harvey: Did you sleep with it under your pillow.
Lisa: None of your business.
Harvey: Neither is the Yankees batting order but that doesn't keep me from thinking about it.

I'm emotionally vested in me.


Mike: What? We're making all this money we can't celebrate?
Harvey: Not in poor taste.

Suits Season 1 Quotes

Mike: Look, I'm just trying to ditch the cops, I don't care if you let me in or not lady.
Lisa [after a nonverbal exchange with Harvey]: Mr. Specter will see you now. Can I get you anything? Coffee... water?

Jessica: We got paid before Gerald signed the deal?
Harvey: What are you talking about? This is a memo about some fire drill on Tuesday. You're the blue team captain, you get to wear a fire hat.