I went all the way there to find a Sorrento and I have one right here.


I guess I better tend the home fires tonight.


Regina: Train guy's still here. (kisses Kathryn)
Kathryn: Wow.
Regina: Seriously, that was great. Not the kiss, the reading.

You punishing MY mother for MY father dying has nothing to do with me?


You know what? You are not the only one going through stuff so stop acting like a little brat!


Wait a minute. Did you just say Jane Austen and Batter Up in the same sentence?


Kathryn: You know, this is crazy. People are Tweeting about my own marriage. Chris Washburn. What was I thinking?
Regina: You know, I slept with Angelo the first day I met him. But then again, who didn't?

It's just easier for Daphne to blame you than to deal with how random and cruel it was.


You are not my mother. You have never been my mother.


Counselor: OK everyone, gather around. We're about to announce your prom king and queen.
Bay: Oh. Exciting. Let's see who the prettiest, most popular, most superficial couple in the school is.
Natalie: Cool!
Bay: This is a joke, right?

Regina: Her dad just died!
Wes: Does that give her the right to break the law? She cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars! She forced us into bed with Coto! This is your project too!

There's no going back, only forward. It's easy to live in anger, but I have to be grateful that at least, eventually, we found each other.


Switched at Birth Quotes

Daphne: I didn't know you liked horror movies.
Kathryn: I haven't seen one since I was your age. Amityville Horror and it wasn't nearly as scary as the boy I saw it with.

Bay [about Angello]: He's not on parole.
John: He is with me.