In my experience, coaches are hardest on the players they think have real talent.


Do you think I would feel differently about being deaf if I remembered what it was like to hear?


Kathryn: Enough about the dinner, John. In case you haven't noticed, I've been really sad lately.
John: And flitting around with him is gonna help?

John: Off to dance class?
Kathryn: As a matter of fact, I am. And after that, I'm going to go see my psychiatrist. See ya.

You don't narc on your friends.


Regina: You don't have a desk, but you have a jet.
Wes: Yeah.

Bay: Wow. This place is amazing.
Mrs. Ledarsky: Yeah, Minneapolis. Who knew?

You know what I decided? I'm not letting unhappy people decide what I get to do.


I have some local projects. I'd like to find something for you to work on so you can tuck your giant teenagers in at night.


Wes: I'm passionate. I can't promise I'm not going to yell at you.
Regina: I can't promise I'm not gonna yell back.
Wes: Works or me.

No, I get it. You want to fly solo. I can fly solo, too.


Angelo: I know guys like West. To him, you're just another piece of ass.
Regina: Do you know insulting that is? Do you even hear yourself? You're just jealous because he can give me what you can't. The money to fix your mistakes.

Switched at Birth Quotes

Daphne: I didn't know you liked horror movies.
Kathryn: I haven't seen one since I was your age. Amityville Horror and it wasn't nearly as scary as the boy I saw it with.

Bay [about Angello]: He's not on parole.
John: He is with me.