Bay: So you'll cheat on me, but not on her?
Emmett: I apologized a thousand times for what happened with Simone. But you keep throwing it back at me.
Bay: I do not.
Emmett: Yeah, you do. And that's why we can never get back together again.

Tank: You are a mattress!
Bay: I am a mattress!

Kathryn: Me and vodka... not he best idea.
Renzo: Then that means it's the best idea!

This is so exciting! First a book, then a movie. There could be dolls!


Jenise: Did you or did you not let your wife run off to New York with another man?
John: A man who wears festive bow ties.

I don't know who started it, but as the single person in the equation, you need to be the one to back off.


Bay: Wow. We get better with practice.
Tank: Yeah, I've been waiting to do this for a long time.

Melody: Why do you want to go to Gallaudet?
Emmett: Because all the girls are good with their hands?

You got everything, or you need some help carrying in your soap box?


I like your spirit Kennish.


You will yell, scream, point fingers, anything so you don't have to change. Not one bit.


I woke up one day and learned I wasn't Bay Kennish, and the only way I got through that was because of art and if that gets taken away from me, I don't know...


Switched at Birth Quotes

Daphne: I didn't know you liked horror movies.
Kathryn: I haven't seen one since I was your age. Amityville Horror and it wasn't nearly as scary as the boy I saw it with.

Bay [about Angello]: He's not on parole.
John: He is with me.