I went all the way there to find a Sorrento and I have one right here.


Being good all the time gets you nowhere!


Oh! I spilled the beans.


Regina: He never told me he had a will.
Bay: He already made the hard decision for us.

Love means doing what the other person wants, even if it's not what you want.


Whoa. Angelo is in the hospital with a brain injury and you were off taking some stupid test?


When my kids are in trouble, I want them to come to me whether or not they believe in me.


That is the work of an artist with a very bright future in front of her.


Kathryn: Well, maybe writing isn't the same as the visual arts...
Bay: Mom, you're not a writer. Not a real one.
Toby: Bay!
Kathryn: Good luck with your project.

Look, the point of this is that when you're not thinking about it, you totally got it.


So, my whole world ended four days ago and I didn't even know it.


You know what you're gonna do now? You're gonna go upstairs and I am going to bring you some aspiring and a barrel of water.


Switched at Birth Season 3 Quotes

Daphne: I just missed my bus.
Campbell: Would you like a ride?
Daphne: Like, on your lap?
Campbell: In my Camaro.

I just wanted to say peace. I’m sure it’s weird being at a school with a bunch of deaf kids, but we’re just like everyone else. You just have to face us and enunciate.
