Melody: This is the worst second date ever!
Gabe: Well, I was thinkin' next weekend maybe we could go for root canals!

Daphne: No, because people hold it against them in the same way they hold deafness against me. I know what it feels like.
Regina: So you're not Latina because you don't feel burdened enough? Me and your grandmother and generations before us faced discrimination because our name is Vasquez. You don't think that affects you?

Bay: You will always have me.
Emmett: Seeing you and being with you is the best part of every day.

Sometimes love makes you do stupid things.


And just so I know, was it the Army guy who lied about cheating on you or was it Emmett who actually did?


Fine. If we get into any trouble we can fend them off with our intimidating wallpaper samples.


Oh. It was a tasteful junk shot. I did not know I would ever have to learn the sign for junk shot.


There's so much that could drive us apart, but I'm not gonna let it. You're the one that I always come back to.


If I believed in something as much as you believe in this project, you can bet I wouldn't let thugs change my mind.


I know this sounds kind of cheesy, but I'm psyched to see how else I'm going to change with you.


That image of you and Emmett as teen parents is really freaking me out right now.


Emmett: Are you into Tank?
Bay: It doesn't matter if I'm into him. We're together. Emmett, I did the one thing that I swore I would never do. You, of all people, should understand how crappy I feel right now.

Switched at Birth Season 3 Quotes

Daphne: I just missed my bus.
Campbell: Would you like a ride?
Daphne: Like, on your lap?
Campbell: In my Camaro.

I just wanted to say peace. I’m sure it’s weird being at a school with a bunch of deaf kids, but we’re just like everyone else. You just have to face us and enunciate.
