Well I don't know how we're supposed to stay married if we don't even live on the same continent.


Daphne, I don't expect you to get everything right just because you're deaf!


If it's too soon for you to wait for the next step, it's OK. I'll wait.


John Kennish and his harem what just the juice I needed. Don't worry. The names have been changed to protect the slutty.


Kathryn: Too bad he dried out.
John: Yeah, tell me about it. Dry Hump Ale.

Kathryn: I can't believe you did this.
John: If it's adventure you want, it's adventure you'll get.

Angelo: You know what I learned this summer?
Bay: That Vasquez women have terrible cleaning habits?
Angelo: Well, yes, but also that if you're willing to yell at me that you're really my daughter.

Congratulations. You figured out a way to make art instead of excuses.


You make me see the world differently. You changed everything about me. I love you just the way you are.

Mary Beth

You have to paint a memory. Who says it has to be yours?


I woke up one day and learned I wasn't Bay Kennish, and the only way I got through that was because of art and if that gets taken away from me, I don't know...


You will yell, scream, point fingers, anything so you don't have to change. Not one bit.


Switched at Birth Season 3 Quotes

Daphne: I just missed my bus.
Campbell: Would you like a ride?
Daphne: Like, on your lap?
Campbell: In my Camaro.

I just wanted to say peace. I’m sure it’s weird being at a school with a bunch of deaf kids, but we’re just like everyone else. You just have to face us and enunciate.
