You ever feel like there’s this you inside you who's the person you always wanted to be and there’s also this you that you never thought you’d be and you can’t believe you are?


Zoe: I’m just dramatizing my internal conflict.
Detective Danner: So, should I be concerned about that?

Pop is just a fad, dude. Ska is forever.


Saint Patrick’s Day. 2006. My God. The time of velour jumpsuits. Britney and K-Fed. And I’d started making honey that year as a hobby.


Things are just drunk when you're hard.


Must be tough to be a child of privilege, huh, Eugene?


That is what college is for. Same mistakes, just with new people.


Chelsea: How was I leading you on?
Xavier: You said you liked my jacket and my hair.

In a chaos this dark, any guiding light would suffice.


I was trying to stay far so you didn’t think I was near.


I got cat roofied!


Did you see her hair? It looks like she made out with a tornado.

Jennifer #2