I'd rather die back home than live here.


Philip: Is, uh, everything alright?
Stan: Yeah. Just this thing going on at work.
Philip: Something you can talk about?
Stan: No, not really. Just sometimes, you know, I wish I was in charge of the whole goddamned FBI.

I just don't think you're listening. Burov will sacrifice himself before betraying his country. He can't be turned.


Elizabeth: Can't wait to have dinner with that family again.
Philip: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Sorry he had to wait in line to eat. He's old enough to remember having nothing to wait in line for.
Philip: My mother used to make us soup from a few onions, nothing else. It was really just hot water.
Elizabeth: After the war, my mother always said she wasn't hungry. I knew, but I ate everything. She was so thin.

Elizabeth: He's a hero.
Philip: Maybe he'll get a stamp.

First thing. You can't be afraid to be hit and you can't be afraid to hit. Ever. You don't want to get hurt, you have to be willing to do anything to protect yourself.


Philip: We'll get another chance...to go home. It wasn't the right time.
Elizabeth: What's the right time?

William: The absence of closeness makes you dry inside.
Stan: But still committed.
William: It was the only thing that we had left.

Cops: Put your hands in the air! DON'T MOVE!
William [raising his hands]: I suggest YOU don't move. You might want to get me to a hospital with a bio-containment treatment facility as soon as possible.

Paige: He's at a class?
Elizabeth: It's called est. It's like a class in...thinking about yourself.

You choose a job before you really know if you'll like it right. When you're young, you don't really know who you are, what you wanna do, be. You pick something because it fits who you are or what you need. But life changes things, you change, or something. And then one day, you wake up and you don't want to go into the office, you don't want to make arrangements for people you don't know, you don't give a shit about. You don't want to do it. You just don't. Every morning, I wake up with this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.


Gabriel: I think you two and your children should return home.
Elizabeth: What?

The Americans Quotes

Interrogator: There will be no spy trades under this president.
Philip: I'm not a spy.

We will find this traitor and put a bullet in his head.
