Lucrezia my love, I recognize the symptoms of your illness, and it's not called marsh fever. You're with child.


Sforza: Where are they heading?
Paolo: She is heading as far away from you as possible, my lord.

Holy Father, we should abandone Rome.

Cardinal Sforza

It is settled then. We shall stay in Rome.


Giulia: Kings are of short supply.
King Charles: I am of novelty value then.

I serve God, and can only pray the Papacy survives its current occupant.

Della Rovere

Cesare: Micheletto, seems I am not Papal legate after all.
Micheletto: Then what are you, your Eminence?
Cesare: Seems I am nobody, Micheletto. Either that, or a hostage.

Sforza: Where am I?
Cesare: Where all roads lead to...Rome.

You will fight like dogs over this corpse I leave, for this throne of Saint Peter's, but it was pure once.

Pope Innocent

The Pope has two faces, my son. One looks to the future, the other to the past.


Affections can be lethal in this Rome of ours.


Cesare: Don't look.
Lucrezia: The pluck my eyes out.

The Borgias Quotes

Woman: You're a cleric?
Cesare: Didn't you notice?
Woman: There was nothing ecclesiastical about you last night.

You will fight like dogs over this corpse I leave, for this throne of Saint Peter's, but it was pure once.

Pope Innocent