Be careful, be very careful, or you might find yourself wearing peasant shoes.


Rodrigo: Where is the murderer?
Lucrezia: Too close for comfort.

Is nothing in this damned city what it seems?


She chose God, Micheletto, and God repaid her with mutilation.


I can't imagine you being born, Micheletto...or dying for that matter.


This dog will come back and bite.


What happened to you Juan? You were such a lovely child.


You asked who would do such a thing. The answer is many people, father.


I have wished him dead a thousand times.


Cesare: This is not God's doing, father.
Pope: Everything is God's doing!

So Cesare, what exactly are you celebrating? Your sisters betrothal, or the death of your brother?


Rodrigo: We did love our children, did we not my dear?
Vanozza: To a fault.

The Borgias Quotes

Woman: You're a cleric?
Cesare: Didn't you notice?
Woman: There was nothing ecclesiastical about you last night.

You will fight like dogs over this corpse I leave, for this throne of Saint Peter's, but it was pure once.

Pope Innocent