William: Hello! Are you in there?
Apollo: shit.
Cal: You didn't come alone!

Cal: Oh, they didn't cut out your tongue, did they?
Apollo: You're Cal.
Cal: Yeah, it's short for Calisto. Come closer. They're... They're protective of me. You're not gonna do anything dumb, are you? I'm putting on a show tomorrow for the kids. Come, help me make a frightening puppet.
Apollo: Hey, hey! Where is my wife?
Cal: Once upon a time, an old man and a woman had long wished for a child. And once pregnant, the wife gazed longingly at a field of Rapunzel greens next door. So her husband decided to steal some for her. But a terrifying enchantress appeared and said, "How dare you, you thief! I will curse you." But she agreed that she would spare his life if they gave her their baby. Apollo: Enough. Stop. Listen, I need to know where my wife is. Hey, where is my wife? I need to find her, all right? Your whatever tried to kill me.
Cal: You know, years ago, a husband found us. He brought with him two guns and, oh, a ton of rage. I made the mistake of trying to talk to him. But he killed, uh, three women and seven children. That's when we left the world and we came here. And we armed ourselves as best as we could. And when men show up, we're just a little more, uh... proactive.
Apollo: How many men did you kill?
Cal: Ugh, who knows? We're like the police. We don't keep track of those numbers. So, how do we protect our children? That's what Rapunzel is all about. That's the question that it's asking.
Apollo: Well, clearly, I'm the wrong person to ask.

Apollo: Is that our guy? Patrice: Wow. Beige on beige. Tan man. Very fashionable. Who the fսck still drinks Tab? Okay, this is a man who has not been with a woman in a very long time. In years. Decades. One of these incel fat fսcks always posting heinous shit online about how no one appreciates how special he is and how women only want jerks.
Apollo: All right, all right. Calm down. This is the guy that's gonna give us a five-figure check, all right? But keep it up.
Patrice: I was wrong. This guy's never been with a woman.
Apollo: You wanna know what else he's probably never done? He's probably never joined a Baby Brian fan page.
Patrice: Hey.

The water renews but does not shed its layers. No. It drags buried memories to the present. Once, below these waters, giant predators swam. Mythical. Those predators grew legs and made it to land. If they could do that, would it be so surprising if once, upon one of these times, witches had been here too? Each tale told upon this water informs the next story... and the next.


Apollo: Why did you want a divorce?
Lillian: He was a good man. A real romantic. Fun. But marriage is a day-to-day, and a person like your dad, not so good with slow and steady.
Apollo: What does that even mean?
Lilian: Is there food in the fridge? Is the bed made? Are the bills paid? I had to put you in day care at two months old, so I could go back to work. Do you know what it feels like to hand over a two-month-old to strangers?
Apollo: Probably better than leaving a four-year-old alone.
Lilian: I had to leave him to keep afloat.
Apollo: So, he didn't abandon us? Wow.

Apollo: Father Hagen?
Jim: You can call me Jim. Did you have any trouble finding us?
Apollo: No, it was fine. I live around the corner.

Woman: I saw my daughter in the computer. I turned... I turned on my laptop and there she was. My baby girl. Just a picture of her, out at the park with her grandparents. But who took the picture?
Man: I opened my Gmail account and there was an ad and it said, "Jim, we think you deserve a vacation in Costa Rica." And I wondered how is it that they know that I liked to be called Jim. Because my given name is Francis.
Apollo: Huh.
Woman: The photo is from an apartment window. Who would take a picture of my child from up there? There were other pictures. Other places. Other days. There's texts and emails, but... ...every time I tried to show one to Gary, they were gone. Deleted. Who could do that? I had the sense to hit print as soon as I saw this one. It's the only proof I got. But when I looked at it long enough, I noticed something else. That girl in the photo. That is not my daughter. That is not Monique. I told Gary all this, and do you know what he said to me? He told me to go on medication. I knew I had to find my own help. I found it with the mothers. The Wise Ones.

Kim: When a baby is born, a mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but a mother is something absolutely new.
Emmy: Mmm. I just wanna be the perfect mom.

Apollo tells me you're having trouble. I had the same problem with him. I didn't have my mother with me either. Flying with closed eyes. Flying blind. It just takes time.


Lillian: We're here.
Apollo: My mom and your sister are here.

Woman: Can I help you?
Emmy: I heard about you from the message board. You were told I'd come.
Woman: Who sent you?
Emmy: Cal sent me.
Woman: I hope these are useful.

Emmy: Apollo takes the baby to the park every morning. He doesn't sleep much anymore either.
Kim: Brian?
Emmy: Apollo. Having nightmares. We're all a mess.
Kim: You could try a little Benadryl to help you sleep. You can take a little while you're breastfeeding. I'm worried about you, Emma. I see you, and I feel worried.

The Changeling Season 1 Quotes

If Emma Valentine thought Apollo Kagwa would give up this easily, she was mistaken. But to understand why and how in the world, we must first go back. Way back.


Customer: Hello! Hello! I am in distress! This is dire! I am in need of a toilet! Emmy: Listen to my voice. Can you hear me?
Customer: I got ears, don't I? Look.
Emmy: Well, you see I have ears too, so why are you yelling? I need a piece of ID before I give you the bathroom key.
Customer: I don't have ID.
Emmy: Leave your bags here with me.
Customer: These contain state secrets!
Emmy: Okay.