You are special, young man. You were chosen. Like all of us.

President Jeff Michener

Shut it, you yellow-bellied, whiny wankers.


Dr Rachel Scott: I thought you left.
Tex: Oh, I met a new friend, told me what was going on down here. I figured I'd come see it for myself.

They had guns I didn't know existed and I play a lot of video games.

Ray Diaz

We're supposed to be saving the world. Shouldn't it be worth saving?


Well now, see we got a bit of a problem with that because there's one thing from the old world that still applies today. Something that will never change. [ship fires] We don't negotiate with terrorists.


Leaders aren't born, they're made, and we all believe in you, Sir. Just give yourself time.


I want you to get him the rest of the way there. Be his guide, his preacher, his father, his friend, whatever he needs.


Quincy Tophet: Okay, please. I hid it. I know where it is.
Trooper: I'll kill her, you know I will.
Quincy Tophet: Okay. Okay. Okay. Forgive me. I'm so sorry.
Trooper: Where is it?
Quincy Tophet: You'll never find it. [removes bandages]

He killed my wife and I was able to talk to him, so unless you have a better idea... I know he's a snake but if he can help, you have to talk to him.


He's a soldier. He wants someone to salute to.

CMC Jeter

I don't know you. At this point, I don't trust anyone I meet in this town. But I know Granderson fears and hates you, so I'm operating on the premise that my enemy's enemy can be my friend. If that's the case, we can help each other.

Cpt Chandler

The Last Ship Quotes

What do we tell the crew?
Chandler. Everything. We tell them everything.


Are you telling me the whole world is dying and they sent two people to save it?
