Slattery: Let me just say what you're doing is very brave. I'm proud to know ya.
Rachel: You make it sound like goodbye.
Slattery: I'll see ya for breakfast.

Tex: How about The Great Escape?
Chandler: It's kind of hard to tunnel out of a ship.
Tex: You got a point there. Have you ever seen Papillion?
Chandler: Are we just doing Steve McQueen flicks? What about Escape from Alcatraz?

Did you really think that your DNA could save the human race.


Chandler: God dammit. He had to send her.
Tex: Right? I mean I was standin' right there. She could have passed me the note.

Tex: What's this whole human guinea pig thing gonna look like? I mean basically you infect the crew with the virus and see what happens?
Rachel: Well not the entire crew. Six individuals of varying blood and genetic markings.

Chandler: We have a vaccine?
Rachel: We don't just have a vaccine. We have the cure.
Chandler: You mean?
Rachel: I mean that we can save people who are already sick.

Amy Granderson: As vice chair of the President's defense policy board I was briefed on your mission to the Arctic. I knew the risks of the coming pandemic and I had my daughter transferred to your ship. You must forgive me.
Chandler: No apology needed ma'am your daughter's been an incredible asset.

Doctor you know this, in the 14th century the Black Death wiped out 60% of the European population. The plague killed indescriminitely. The artists, scientists, thinkers, so few and precious to begin with were wiped out. It upended the social order and prolonged the Dark Ages 150 years. I cannot let that happen here.

Amy Granderson

I don't know you. At this point, I don't trust anyone I meet in this town. But I know Granderson fears and hates you, so I'm operating on the premise that my enemy's enemy can be my friend. If that's the case, we can help each other.

Cpt Chandler

Quincy Tophet: Okay, please. I hid it. I know where it is.
Trooper: I'll kill her, you know I will.
Quincy Tophet: Okay. Okay. Okay. Forgive me. I'm so sorry.
Trooper: Where is it?
Quincy Tophet: You'll never find it. [removes bandages]

Amy Granderson: I need your help to put a stop to all of this.
Lt Alicia Granderson: The only way any of this is going to end is for you to give up. As a lieutenant in the United States Navy, I am qualified to accept your surrender.
Amy Granderson: My surrender? Oh. You stay with me, little girl. You watch who surrenders to whom.

Are you telling me the whole world is dying and they sent two people to save it?


The Last Ship Quotes

What do we tell the crew?
Chandler. Everything. We tell them everything.


Are you telling me the whole world is dying and they sent two people to save it?
