Dr. Rachel Scott: So your code is more important than doing what's right?
CDR Tom Chandler: You don't get to decide what's right! That's why we have codes.

I don't know much. I do know this. Wouldn't be here...No one on the ship would be here if not for you. So me? I wouldn't change a thing about you. Oh, you're ruthless, baby. That's why we're alive today.


Stop hiding behind civilians. You want to fight? Come out and fight. Let's go. You against me.

CDR Tom Chandler

The truth? Well shit. You got it all figured out. But you're forgot the most important part of the conspiracy -- the only way we were able to spread the flu so quickly. The aliens. From planet Batshit Crazy. They were sneezing all over the place.

CDR Tom Chandler

I ask you, during this time of crisis and chaos, to remember who we are as a people. This plague has killed many. But let's not let it divide us any longer. We are still one nation. Join us.

President Michener

I can't believe they shot me in the ass!


Dr. Rachel Scott: Stubborn as ever.
CDR Tom Chandler: Says the pot to the kettle.

Today we grieve, but tomorrow we do press on. We continue to answer the call, "Here I am."

CMC Jeter

Figures the one time you don't go with the land team, all the actions gonna be on the ship.

XO Slattery

It's only brilliant if it works.

LCDR Andrea Garett

I'm not worried. First sign you're not on our side, I'll kill you myself.

LT Alisha Granderson

Are you telling me the whole world is dying and they sent two people to save it?


The Last Ship Quotes

What do we tell the crew?
Chandler. Everything. We tell them everything.


Are you telling me the whole world is dying and they sent two people to save it?
