You can save your students a lot of time. On the first day of class tell them they know the difference between right and wrong. Do what's right. They don't need a lawyer to tell them their moral absolutes and whenever you hear someone giving a monologue defending the ethics of their decision you can be pretty sure they know they were wrong.


Yeah you do because this is exactly how I act in the same situation. Suddenly I pretend I'm stupid and hearing impaired.


A PR company killed 38 people. We do nothing and the 39th is on us.


Neal: Other people have gone to jail for refusing to give up a source. I'd consider it a badge of honor.
Will: Be sure to show your badge to your roommates when you get there.

A truth that matters can't stay hidden.


Neither the first nor any other amendment protects you when you conspire to commit treason.


Blair: Reese, you're a douche.
Resse: Yes I am but I'm a douche on the side of the angels.

The Newsroom Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Neither the first nor any other amendment protects you when you conspire to commit treason.


Blair: Reese, you're a douche.
Resse: Yes I am but I'm a douche on the side of the angels.