If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results then surely my quest for your salvation ranks me as one of the maddest of men.


Elijah: I have denied every single impulse that I have ever had for that women out of some misbegotten respect for intentions that you don't even have.
Klaus: I'm warning you--
Elijah: I'm warning you. I've forgiven you. I've stood by you. I've forsaken every single one of my desires in the name of your ridiculous redemption. No more. If I want something, I'll take it. And nothing--nothing--will stand in my way.

This is Thierry Vanchure, mean ass horn player, lover of fiesty women, witch, vampire, and human alike. I rebuilt this city with him and he always had my back even when I screwed up and forgot to have his, and now all I can do is promise you this, T. I won't let you die in vain. I will take back our city, even if I have to burn it down first.


Klaus: Think very carefully before you speak. The sound of your voice is likely to make me regret what mercy I've shown thus far.
Marcel: Yeah, yeah, I'm on your "who's been naughty list."

I wouldn't stand that close to him if I were you. He's kind of unpredictable. And murdery.


Marcel: See, I have this thing about kids...
Hayley: So I've heard.
Marcel: You've done more than hear about it, Andrea Lebonair. You're living proof.

[to Hayley] Whatever happened in the bayou, I'm not your guy. But with the way things are going eventually I might have to be.


Klaus, thank you for today. For being kind.


[to Marcel] She woke in the dark, not knowing where she was or who was watching over her. It was your name she called, and if you can grant her comfort, so be it.


The rifts in this city run far deeper than I even imagined, Niklaus. These tribes, these factions, they're families. Families who choose to fight. Mayhem has descended upon our home, and if I am to choose a side, to our victory, Brother.


[to Klaus] I'm in a crap mood because my uncle just died and people are partying like it's Mardi Gras. What's your excuse?


Over the course of my long life, I have come to believe that we are bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And while we may not choose our family, that bond can be our greatest strength, or our deepest regret. This unfortunate truth has haunted me for as long as I can recall.


The Originals Quotes

I may be old, Elijah, but I'm hardly senile.


Over the course of my long life, I have come to believe that we are bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And while we may not choose our family, that bond can be our greatest strength, or our deepest regret. This unfortunate truth has haunted me for as long as I can recall.


The Originals Music

  Song Artist
Song Too Late M83 iTunes
Freaks The Hawk In Paris iTunes
Bones MS MR iTunes