They've always been here but now it's like they have permission to crawl out from under their rocks.

Monty [to Herman]

Herman: This is the world now. [Philip's] going to hear it from his friends, from everywhere.
Bess: We have to try.

Bess: We're upset and they feel it.
Doctor: They're kids. They miss nothing. But are we wrong to feel this way? And are they?

Alvin: How about some fresh air?
British woman: How about a canoodle?
Alvin: Canoodle? You people don't talk right.

I'm not letting them run me off. This is my country. Jew-haters want a country, they got plenty to choose from. This one they're not getting.

Herman [to Shepsie]

Herman: At least they [the police] showed up this time.
Shepsie: Yes, they did, for what it's worth.

Enlistment officer: You here to fight for king and country?
Alvin: I'm here to kill Nazis.

Do you have any good news, Shepsie?

Herman [to Shepsie]

Herman: What does [Bengelsdorf] think he's doing?
Alvin: Koshering Lindbergh.

That's all Lindbergh says, a 41-word speech about Roosevelt and war. Then he gets into his little plane and flies off.


Hitler is the worst human being ever born and frankly I'd rather be fighting that son of a bitch than waste my time on a Jew like Steinheim, who only brings shame on the rest of us.

Alvin [to Herman]

If it's good enough for Barbara Stanwyck, it's good enough for Elizabeth Finkel Levin.

Evelyn [to Bess]