Lucy: I'm supposed to give you a message. He'll be here soon. When he comes, you need to listen.
Rowan: When who comes?
Lucy: The man whose baby you're carrying.

You saved my life in so many ways, but you have to let me go. You don't belong here anymore.


I love you, and I'm so grateful that we met, but we can't be together anymore.


Don't worry. I'm not gonna, like, eat your brains or whatever else Hunter's been saying.


I don't know who or what you are, but it's wrong.


I know because I'm like her. I died 29 years ago.


I've been trying to get back something that's already gone.


I died, and now I have to watch everyone I love move on without me. The closer I get, the more I hurt them.


I don't know your sister, but if she's like Simon now, you should be careful.


We both know there are more. It's not just me. But if we all just run and hide, they'll never accept us. You can't give up on me. Not now.


Do it son. Make it right.

Tony's mom

Lena: You can't make people kill themselves.
Camille: But what if I can? I never sleep anymore. I have this, like, hunger inside of me. It never stops. What if I'm turning into something bad?

The Returned Quotes

Camille, don't worry. What's happened to you is extraordinary and wonderful. Just give yourself some time to process it. To just be back, and accept everything that's happened, and when you're ready to talk, I'm available anytime.


Jack: It's just not possible.
Claire: No, it's not, but you just saw her.
Jack: But there has to be some other explanation.
Claire: Like what? We're both going crazy at the same time?