Ninety days, and you haven't washed out. In fact, you've done exemplary work. So you're both on a path, but to where? It's time you started asking yourselves the question. What kind of agents do you want to be?


Antoinette: Wait, you know how to cook salmone en papillote?
Brendon: Hell no. But I know how to order it.

Well, I do not wanna hear more complaints from you. At least your girlfriend is in the same time zone.


Laura: Hey, what's up?
Carter: Set up a profile on clipmates.
Laura: Finally, dipping your toes back into the dating pool. Good for you!
Carter: It's been a week. I've not gotten a single message.
Laura: That's statistically impossible. Dating apps have been designed to bombard newcomers with attention, so they feel welcome. Here, let me see.
Carter: What am I doing wrong?
Laura: Oh, so many things.

Simone: Oh, hey guys. Garza said classy casual, but y'all was showing out. They called in the lab techs too?
Brendon: Oh, no, we were just about to, you know...
Simone: Your first date, that's right. Well, what now? You gonna cancel your plans?
Brendon: No, no, no. Just delay them.

Jake: I have an evil twin.
Garza: You've used that already.
Jake: Damn, those improv classes are not paying off.

He was smart enough to hide his face but not smart enough to hide his license plate.


Smitty: the case of the mudslide marauder...
Interviewer: No one calls him that.
Smitty: On Smitty Streets, they do.

If you're hot, you're hot. If you're not, you're not.


Antoinette: I would regret not giving us a try.
Brendon: Wait, that's it?
Antoinette: Until our date. Saturday night.
Brendon: I'll wear something quite.

Garza: A little birdie told me you asked Antoinette out.
Brendon: A little birdie, huh? Was Elena the little birdie?
Garza: I was once stationed in Tampa with a fellow trainer. Her name was Candace. She was a Marx woman, as smart as she was deadly. And I was a goner, Brendon. I was smitten.
Brendon: So, what happened?
Garza: She became my first ex-wife. After the divorce, we had to continue working together in the same field office for a year.7
Brendon: Awkward.
Garza: Awkward as hell.

Laura: Ok, what's going on? Is there an emergency?
Brendon: Yes. Well, no. It's kind of you know, my ex-girlfriend, Heather Jacobs.
Laura: The model?
Brendon: Yeah. So apparently, she wrote a memoir. She dropped a couple of chapters online.
Laura: I take it you don't come off well?
Brendon: No. she wrote that I'm a narcissistic serial dater who's definitely afraid of being alone and needs constant validation in order to breathe.

The Rookie: Feds Quotes

Cutty: Two ground rules. One, that badge and that gun must be taken off before you enter. Because in my house, you're my daughter. Not an FBI agent.
Simone: Okay. And what's the second rule?
Cutty: Bring home dinner once a week. Local restaurants only.

It's okay. We got this. We're Feds.
