Simone: Good Lord, Brendon. In this particular case, don't act like Laura. Be more like me.
Brendon: Ok, but what would you do?
Simone: I'm glad you asked. Carter, are you hooking up with Antoinette or what? I'm just asking.
Carter: I'm sorry, what? Why in the world would you think that and then shout it across the bullpen?

Garza: Oh, come on. Elena I can walk.
Elena: It's just policy.
Garza: I just wanna get home.
Elena: Speaking of, my mom and your sisters are waiting for you at your place. They cooked and cleaned and can't wait to read you an act of how disgustingly you've been living,
Garza: Okay, you know what? Maybe I just wanna stay in the hospital a little bit.

You remember talking on the phone with me, Cesar? Oh, don't be like that. It's not my fault we are better at our jobs than you are.


Laura: Wait, do you not know how to ask someone out on a date?
Brendon: Of course I do. I've been famous for a long time.
Laura: Oh, here we go.
Brendon: I just ... since I started dating, people always wanted to date me. Celebrities are a real social lubricant.
Laura: Okay, never say that again.
Brendon: Antoinette doesn't care about what TV shows or movies I've done. And I kinda like her, you know.
Laura: Well, you're not a celebrity now, so ...
Brendon: I should just act like a normal person and ask her out.

Tracy: Carter, Your time for advancement will come.
Carter: It already has. Several times. They just always gave the promotion to someone else.

Simone: I thought I was gonna be the one sneaking in?
Carter: You're still a probationary agent. You get caught, you're fired.

We cannot let the boss down. This is a matter of life or death.


Laura: We have a sneak and peek warrant, which means what?
Brendon: Really? Pop quiz? Now?

Elena: Will my tio be okay?
Carter: It's too soon to tell. [to Simone] She deserves honesty, not platitudes.

Elena: What are you watching?
Carter: It's my ex-wife's Thanksgiving.
Elena [looking at the phone]: Oh, he's into her and she likes him enough to post it.
Garza [clears throat]: mmmmh hhhm!
Elena: or, I could be wrong.

Simone: I can't see your face, but I can see your eyes. They tell a story.
Kid: What kind of story?
Simone: That you're kind. And young.

Dad: ... it has a nanny cam maybe that could help us find her
Laura: Do you have access to the feed?
Dad: No. it's set up to connect to the Wi-Fi router back at home.
Brendon: Max reach is like four or five hundred feet. But if we could mimic the home Wi-Fi we drive around the right neighborhood, we could find it.

The Rookie: Feds Quotes

Cutty: Two ground rules. One, that badge and that gun must be taken off before you enter. Because in my house, you're my daughter. Not an FBI agent.
Simone: Okay. And what's the second rule?
Cutty: Bring home dinner once a week. Local restaurants only.

It's okay. We got this. We're Feds.
