You heard about the Chinese godfather? He made them an offer they couldn't understand.


Randal: You couldn't prescribe something?
Dr. Melfi: I'm your date, not your doctor.

Tony: I'm having second thoughts.
Dr. Melfi: About?
Tony: This whole thing. This whole arrangement. Security. I mean I come here, I tell you things, I don't know how safe it is.
Dr. Melfi: I understand your concerns. But I told you what the ground rules are. As long as I don't hear anything incriminating-
Tony: You don't fucking get it. Being here incriminates me. Somebody sees me-they tell somebody else. All of a sudden I'm a celebrity.

Larry: Hey, now you got Bloomfield and the union chair.
Tony: Otherwise, you'd fuck me, Larry, but you wouldn't respect me no more.

Christopher: This ain't negotiation time. This is Scarface, final scene, fuckin' bazookas under each arm, "say hello to my little friend!"
Silvio: Always with the scenarios.

Filone: Un-fuckin'-believable. We just returned maybe the biggest score of my whole year.
Christopher: Listen you fuck! Uncle Junior's been breakin' Tony's balls 'cuz you hijacked that truck. You're lucky Tony doesn't shove the cab up your ass.

Hillel: I don't understand.
Tony: That's cause I'm not talking to you.

Ariel: Yes, may I help you?
Paulie: That depends, are you Ariel?
Ariel: That also depends, are you a bill collector?

Tony: I can't get used to having all these strangers in my house.
Artie: Then why did you invite them?

(on Ariel) If we don't kill this prick we should put him to work.


Junior: You have a lot of sense for an old girl.
Livia: No, I'm a babbling idiot. That's why my son put me in a nursing home.

Dr. Melfi: What happens to a tree that's rotted out?
Tony: Trees, ducks. What the fuck are you, Ranger Rick? I'll tell you, some job you shrinks got. You think everybody is lying to you while you're pulling scams on them.

The Sopranos Quotes

(to Mahaffey) That's a shame. A medication comes along after your gambling gets your fucking hip busted to shit.

Big Pussy

Dr. Melfi: Have you ever had a prostate exam?
Tony: Are you kidding? I don't let anyone wag their finger in my face.