Danny and I were supposed to be married next month. I often felt invisible, but when he looked at me, it was like I was the only person in the world.


Darby: Sounds like we should start with them.
Victoria: Let’s start with Noelle. She’s the eldest and the most difficult. You two should get along swimmingly.

You want to know the irony. I thought that supporting Silas would put mer in my mom’s good graces. Instead, I just gave my sisters more ammunition.


Victoria: What are you trying to say?
Darby: Nothing. It’s just no wonder he’s made some questionable life choices. People do crazy things to be seen and loved.

I don’t know why I feel guilty. So, she has to eat dinner alone. Do you know how many dinners I had to eat alone as a kid when she was promoting a book?

to Zane

Victoria: We’re going to a morgue. No one wants to be there. You’re so uptight. That’s what living in the city does to a person. You have to take your cop cap off and start thinking like a PI.
Daby: Fine. But if we get arrested, you’re covering bail.

Zane: Your mother is a lot of things – a bit of a narcissist, a neat freak, an over-sharer, but she’s not the monster you make her out to be. She’s willing to pay $10,000 just to spend time with you. It’s sad but also sweet. I’m going to tell you something and I don’t want you to take it badly.
Darby: Okay. I’m scared.
Zane: I think you and Vic are a lot more alike than you think.
Darby: Okay I’m freaking out now.

I’m sorry this has been so painful for you, but having you here has been the highlight of my year. Maybe I shouldn’t have strung you along, but if it’s any consolation, you have terrific investigative instincts.


The Spencer Sisters Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Darby: Sounds like we should start with them.
Victoria: Let’s start with Noelle. She’s the eldest and the most difficult. You two should get along swimmingly.

Danny and I were supposed to be married next month. I often felt invisible, but when he looked at me, it was like I was the only person in the world.
