Who Drowned Danny The Spencer Sisters S1e2
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Marlina returns home and finds her office trashed and her fiance, Danny, dead in the pool. Even though the cops try to stop her, Victoria barges in to comfort her friend.

Marlina doesn't trust Det. Harris, so Victoria offers her and Darby's assistance.

Darby hates living at home. Victoria calls and says Marlina offered them $10,000 to solve Danny's murder.

Darby crosses the crime scene and sees Zane. She tries to charm him into getting her a job at a different precinct and then wants details on the case. He admits Marlina suspected espionage a few months ago, but they never found anything.

Darby thinks something is off, and Zane warns her to stay out of Det. Harris's way. Victoria believes it's more about the inheritance and that the kids wouldn't get it if Marlina were married. She thinks they should start with the eldest child, Noelle.

Noelle assures Victoria they don't need the extra money and throws her sister, Andrea, under the bus. Andrea, who is a free spirit with her own business, thought Danny used their mother and mentioned their brother Silas fought with Danny recently.

From researching Danny's energy drink business, Darby realized that Silas was an investor. Silas had hoped to grow closer to his mom by investing, but he only gave his sisters more reasons to be suspicious.

Darby feels for Silas since it's hard when a parent works constantly, and it's easy to tell mother and daughter still have issues. When she meets Zane and Antonio for drinks, Antonio tells Darby she needs to let go of those expectations for her own good.

Victoria has writer's block and has nothing to show Sarita at their next meeting. Darby scares her mom when she returns. She learned that Danny died from cardiac arrest.

Victoria starts an idea board, and they suspect Danny was placed in the pool after the murder. Darby wonders if Danny died from a drug that Zandtac was developing and wants to compare the clinical trials to Danny's blood levels.

Victoria decides to sneak into the morgue, but Darby worries it's illegal. As the women banter, Lucas arrives. Darby distracts him by talking about his wedding, and Victoria charms a guard and gets Danny's autopsy.

Victoria has a consultant and hacker named Alistair who will get into the system for them. Darby realizes that Marlina never really hired them and thinks Victoria tricked her into staying.

When Darby rants to Zane and Antonio again, Antonio reminds her to give up those expectations. Zane thinks it's sweet that her mom would pay money to spend time with her. He adds that Silas's alibi checked out.

Darby returns and apologizes. Victoria admits how much she loves having her around. Alistair found an unknown drug in Danny's blood called Troactic. Marlina doesn't understand, but then she remembers that the drug has adverse effects on Type 1 diabetics.

Darby remembers there was a real energy drink, and the cameras were off at the gym every Tuesday and Thursday morning. The Spencers confront Noelle, who admits to having an affair with Danny but says she'd never hurt him.

They realize that it was her husband. Det. Harris isn't thrilled they outsmarted him, but they pretend it was all him and the cops. Victoria decides she and Darby should go into business together.


The Spencer Sisters
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The Spencer Sisters Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Darby: Sounds like we should start with them.
Victoria: Let’s start with Noelle. She’s the eldest and the most difficult. You two should get along swimmingly.

Danny and I were supposed to be married next month. I often felt invisible, but when he looked at me, it was like I was the only person in the world.
