When 9 Russians tell you you're drunk, you lie down.

Enzo [to Bonnie]

Bastard links his life to my mom's and then engages in a duel. What is this, Hamlet community theatre?


Bonnie: Do you wanna talk about i--
Alaric: Nope.
Bonnie: Okay. Didn't think so.

Little tip from a professional. Next time you want to kill a bazillion year old psycho, don't choose a sword from the junior's section.

Damon [to Enzo]

Matt: Car, I've literally never seen you puke before.
Caroline: That is because I'm polite, not pregnant.

Julian: I assured Lily that there would be no more bloodshed in the house.
Enzo: Did you make any promises about outside?

Enzo: Well, if Julian wants it, so do I.
Bonnie: Are we talking about Oscar's car or Lily?

Damon: Wow. Did I ever mention I like your style?
Stefan: I had a feeling we were going to have to do this the hard way.
Damon: Best...Thanksgiving...ever.

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 7 Quotes

Enzo: Well, if Julian wants it, so do I.
Bonnie: Are we talking about Oscar's car or Lily?

Damon: Wow. Did I ever mention I like your style?
Stefan: I had a feeling we were going to have to do this the hard way.
Damon: Best...Thanksgiving...ever.