Spend 146 years with someone you sort of start to pick up on their tells.


End us now, other. Or I'll send you back to Hell.


Elena: Are you insane?
Rebekah: I prefer spontaneous.

Stefan: Awful lot of effort for someone who pretends not to care about her anymore.
Damon: Pot, kettle, brother.

Caroline: I'm too smart to be seduced by you.
Klaus: That's why I like you.

Klaus: Join us for a drink.
Caroline: I'd rather die of thirst, but thanks!

Why don't you sit down and shut up before I ruin everything by ripping your head off?


Elena: What are you doing here:
Rebekah: Not much. Unless you try to run, in which case I get to kill you.

I'm surprised you have time to call, what with all this Original sex you've been having?


Stefan: She's better off without me? She's sure as Hell better off without you.
Damon: Fine. Neither one of us gets her.

Rebekah: This house has enough men rolling around in it.
Kol: Just like you, Rebekah.

Stefan: Klaus has to die. They all do.
Damon: See. It's democracy in action.

The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Quotes

It's your party. You can cry if you want to.


Hello, brother.
