I don’t give a shit if you think you’ve found the secret to life.


People can try and you set you in the right direction, but they can’t show you the way.


People want someone to follow.


You should know, there is no door number four. This is it. This is the only way.


You got your friend killed. I got Tina killed. Don’t pretend you don’t know the score. You should be dead, but Negan’s taken a shine to you. You’re lucky. Don’t forget.


I get why you did it. Why you took it. You were thinking about someone else. That’s why I can’t.


I'm dealing in certainties, and I'm doing my part to give them what they want.


Negan: Of course. Really kid?
Carl: You should go...before you find out how dangerous we really are.
Negan: Well pardon me, young man, excuse the shit out of my goddamned French, but did you just threaten me? Look, I get threatening Davy here, but I can't have it, not him, not me...
Rick [to Carl]: Look, just put it down...
Negan: Don't be rude, Rick. We are havin' a conversation here. Now boy. Where were we? Oh yeah. Your giant man-size balls. No threatening us. Listen, I like you, so I don't want to go hard provin' a point here. You don't want that. I said half your shit and half is what I say it is. I'm serious. Do you want me to prove how serious? Again?

In case you haven't caught on, I just slipped my dick down your throat, and you thanked me for it.


I love a gal that takes me to dinner and doesn’t expect me to put out.


Sasha: He's an idiot.
Maggie: He's a coward. They're more dangerous.

Hey you. Dumbass. Yeah, you in the tank. Cozy in there?

Voice on the Radio