If we start tomorrow right now, everything we've beaten, everything we've endured, everything we've risen above, everything we've become ...if we start tomorrow right now, no matter what comes next, we've won ...we've already won!


Get over yourself. You're not the only one who lost something today.


Leah: You can take this one.
Daryl: They'll never go for it.

Bullets are a last resort. I mean hell, Lucille here gets first dibs.


Carl: There's families in here - kids, my little sister.
Negan: That shit just breaks my heart.

I'm not planning to die today.


We need each other to get to D.C.


If I knew that getting stabbed would get your attention, I would have done it a lot sooner.

Tobin [to Carol]

You owe us.


If I’ve not gotten my psyche situated straight, it’s because the shit’s continually been hitting the fan.


I’m damned. I was damned before.


Daryl: Why'd your people kill my people.
Lydia: It's us or them.