Sarah: I think that after all your trials, heart ache and pain. God wants you to have a reward
Jason: You sure?
Sarah: Let me reward you, Jason. Let me help you find your way back to joy

Eric: The vampires here, they're like cowboys. If they don't get Godric back they'll want justice. They'll start attacking people.
Bill: Open aggression against humans? That's insane.
Eric: Well, it's Texas

Tara: If you die I'm gonna be really pissed
Lafayette: That makes two of us

If you're worried about me seeing you naked, I have seen boy parts before and water ain't exactly opaque

Daphne [to Sam who's nervous about getting out of the water after skinny dipping]

Sookie [about Jessica]: You can teach her how to walk that line between vampire and human
Bill: Yes because I have mastered that
Sookie: Okay so you can teach each other

Bill [to Hoyt]: Are you going to leave or am I going to have to throw you out a window that is closed?
Sookie: That is just rude

You should try the chicken fried steak. It's like a chicken and a steak got together and made a baby. A delicious, crispy baby


Eric: You surprise me. That's rare in a breather.
Sookie: You disgust me.
Eric: Perhaps I'll grow on you.
Sookie: I'd prefer cancer

This is so embarrassing. I'd die if i wasn't already dead


Bill: I remember when ladies clothing stores sold petticoats.
Sookie: That's so weird.
Bill: Actually I sort of miss my times. Clothes left something to the imagination and required a certain skill to get past.
Sookie: I think there's a Halloween store around here that sells them.
Bill: You're such a tease

Bill: She has no humanity, she's in the grips of overwhelming transformations, there will be times when she cannot control even a single impulse...and believe me she HAS many.
Sookie: ...How is that any different from being a teenage girl

Eric: A friend of mine in the Dallas area-his name is Godric, has gone missing. Now while the circumstances of his disappearance are unclear it stands to reason his blood would be very valuable, as he's over twice my age and ten times the vampire I will ever be.
Pam: Oh Eric, you don't do humble well.
Eric: I was not being humble, this happens to be true

True Blood Quotes

Pam: Thanks for the suggestion but we prefer to do things the old fashioned way.
Elijah: Yeah you and Blockbuster Video.

Eric: You surprise me. That's rare in a breather.
Sookie: You disgust me.
Eric: Perhaps I'll grow on you.
Sookie: I'd prefer cancer

True Blood Music

  Song Artist
Good Behaviour Powersolo iTunes
Pistol Whip Me Acumen Nation iTunes
Crazed Country Rebel Hank Williams III iTunes