Aid: We cannot possibly resist them.
Bjorn: And yet we must resist them. We are not only fighting for ourselves but our Gods.

People of Kattegat, I fear he will launch an attack very soon as we are a prize worth taking.


If you ever ridicule me again, I will take great pleasure in feeding your kidneys to my dogs.


I didn't want to believe it is true, but it is.


Light the fire!


You can go to prison where you will one day be set free or you can die there.

King Harald

Torvi: I volunteer.
Gunnhild: You cannot make that decision about your child.

Ubbe: I heard about your feelings for my brother. You are not going to cause problems, are you?
Woman: No. I would never wish ill on a pregnant lady.

Man: What is wrong, Bjorn Ironside?
Bjorn: I need to get home to Kattegat.

Gunnhild: You were right.
Lagertha: Not a cause for satisfaction.

I am a shield maiden. I know how to fight. I have fought all my life, but I have never seen anything like what you just did. If I didn’t worship you before Lagertha, I certainly do now. May the Gods and all of their wisdom keep you alive for all of our sakes.


It is what they foretold. I will be killed by a son of Ragnar. I could not escape it, nor could you.


Vikings Quotes

I wanted to step out of your shadow.
You understand that, don't you?


Who needs a reason for betrayal?
One must always think the worst Ragnar, even of your own kin.
That way, you avoid too much disappointment in life.
