Doc: I may not be your father, biological or otherwise, but I am always here for you, and I consider myself lucky be. And if this guy doesn't, then he's a fool, and he is the one who is missing out.
Mel: You're right. He is missing out. But, um, there is actually someone else I wanted to walk me down the aisle anyway.

Mel: Are you Everett Reid?
Everett: Who's asking?
Mel: His daughter.

Mel: Charmaine, I'm really sorry. How did you get mixed up with him?
Charmaine: Like how all mistakes are made, a mixture of sadness and anger and copious amounts of alcohol. And I was mad at Jack.

Deidre: I am truly sorry about his condition, but you're my little girl, and I don't want to see you sacrifice your whole life for him or for a baby.
Lizzie: I know it might seem weird to you since you were so focused on your career at my age, but I don't see this as a sacrifice.

Danny: Did you put rum in yours?
Lizzie: Obviously not. It would be bad for the baby!

I don't know, maybe this is a mistake. It's a lot to spring on someone on Christmas Eve or at all. Maybe I should just leave the past in the past.


I feel like I've been pregnant for years.


Jack: Finding your biological father could be a much better gift than jewelry.
Mel: I mean, you could do both.

Brie: I saw you skating, I did not know that you were basically Wayne Gretsky.
Brady: well, there's a lot of things you don't know about me.
Brie: Yeah, that was always the problem, wasn't it?

They say it takes a village to have a child. We have a whole town.


Preacher: So I got some news; my guy found your father.
Mel: Wow, that was fast.
Jack: What was fast?
Mel: Um, we did it. We found my father.
Jack: That's amazing, where is he?
Preacher: Apparently, he is right here in Virgin River.

Muriel: I don't wanna wake up someday and realize that you resent me for never having been a father.
Cameron: Wait, what are you saying?
Muriel: What I'm saying is losing you now will break my heart, but knowing that I was the reason that you missed out on all those things that you wanted in life, that would break it even more. All I want for Christmas is for you to think this through. Can you do that for me?
Cameron: Yes, I can.

Virgin River Quotes

Doc: I don’t need spice. I want to walk down the street and be able to hold your hand.
Hope: Yeah, I hate all that “coupley” crap.

Whenever things got rough my instinct was to head home because that’s where I felt safe. But I realized that the idea of home doesn’t really exist for me anymore, because you were my home.

Mel [to Mark]